With the dramatic increase in the art market, many people are discovering that they have substantial equity in their artwork. Having adequate insurance against loss or damage will protect your assets. Insurance companies require that works of art be accurately described and valued in order to provide coverage.
Zwicker’s Gallery is qualified to offer expert valuation and appraisal services for works of art for insurance, donation, probate or family division purposes. Please contact the Gallery for further details or to make an appointment.
Fee Schedule for Formal Appraisals:
1-5 works $150.00
6-10 works $100.00
Over 10 works $75.00
In addition, an hourly fee of $250.00 is charged to cover the costs of research, investigation, and analysis. Arrangements can be made for negotiated fees for large collections.
Any out-of-pocket costs that the appraiser may incur to complete the appraisal (e.g. travel, photography etc.), would be added to the above costs.
We also offer digital photo documentation of artworks, valuables, and other assets.
For works of a modest value, Zwicker’s offers over-the-counter evaluations. In such cases, the appraiser provides an estimate of the value of your artwork. It is not a formal appraisal, which is an in-depth evaluation. An over-the-counter evaluation is sufficient for a person who requires a rough value of their artwork, which can be used to determine if the artwork is worth the preparation of a formal appraisal document. An over-the-counter evaluation is verbal only.
Over the Counter Evaluation Fee:
1 work $125.00
Additional Artworks $25.00 each