Herman Moll

Herman Moll Artist Bio: Herman Moll (1654-1732) Herman Moll was a German-Dutch cartographer engraver and publisher, who produced and published maps and engravings influential and historically significant in the history of cartography. Moll started his career in...

John Noorthouck

John Noorthouck Artist Bio: John Noorthouck (1732-1816) John Noorthouck was an English author and topographer of the city of London.The maps we have by Noorthouck illustrate his well-known (ital.) A New History of London: including Westminster and South Wards,...

Jacques Nicolas Bellin

Jacques Nicolas Bellin Artist Bio: Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772) Jacques Nicolas Bellin was born in Paris. He was a French hydrographer, geographer, and member of the French intellectual group called the “philosophes”. Bellin was a member of both the Académie de...