by Gallery_Admin | Mar 12, 2020
Herman Moll Artist Bio: Herman Moll (1654-1732) Herman Moll was a German-Dutch cartographer engraver and publisher, who produced and published maps and engravings influential and historically significant in the history of cartography. Moll started his career in...
by Gallery_Admin | Mar 12, 2020
John Noorthouck Artist Bio: John Noorthouck (1732-1816) John Noorthouck was an English author and topographer of the city of London.The maps we have by Noorthouck illustrate his well-known (ital.) A New History of London: including Westminster and South Wards,...
by Gallery_Admin | Mar 12, 2020
Jacques Nicolas Bellin Artist Bio: Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772) Jacques Nicolas Bellin was born in Paris. He was a French hydrographer, geographer, and member of the French intellectual group called the “philosophes”. Bellin was a member of both the Académie de...